I am very pleased to announce that AIM has celebrated the opening of its first political party in South America. This is one of the projects for which we have worked more and really means a great reward for our efforts as a movement and all the people who supported the initiative. Congratulations to Chile, its people and of course AIM eChile.
From the confines of the world we have been working to someday achieve our great goal: to have a party of AIM in each country in the world and therefore be the largest party in the history of eRepublik.
Only then we'll be able to defeat imperialism, establishing a political force in every nation, every day defending the goals and ideals that we represent.
But Britain is not without its achievements. During a successful week of broadcasting, many people have helped AIM eUK achieve its goal of establishing itself as a political party. Those who have helped are both people of our country and other nations such as Ireland and Canada, although it is hard to believe they are willing to overlook imperialism and seek a new way of understanding among nations.
We require your help to found the party. It is the last part of the process of raising money. During this week we've received 23 gold, so we only need 17 more.
Join our movement and be heard. This party will represent the individual voice of each of its members, in order to renew the politics in eUK providing a new way of governing.
Margaret H. Thatcher
European AIM Director
eRepublik Global Anti Imperialist Movement - At the moment there are no AIM parties in the eWorld
Friday, 30 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
AIM - Beware of imitations
The AIM inform that in the last few weeks many anti-imperialist parties was born in the eWorld, none of these parties at the moment is allowed to act for the name of AIM.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
AIM parties - official rules
- party name: AIM -ecountry-
- econbomical orientation: center
- social: free
- logo: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8348/logoaimcaricare.jpg
- website: anti-imperialistmovement.blogspot.com/
Every member has to donate 1 gold to the movement as registration fee.
Every member elected in parlament has to donate 2 golds to the movement except for their donation to the nation
The PP of every nation is designed by the Steering Committee. The PP has the duty to coordinate the national party in respect of the Aim Manifesto. The PP has to present to the Steering Committee a wekly report with the political and social situation of the country and all the activities of the partyon that week. 3 Days before the election the PP has to present: the names of the official AIM candidates in every region in congress election. The political designed as PP (member of the AIM or external politician) has to be propose to the SC 5 days before the election. The Steering Committee has the right to change the PP decision.
See above
Only members presented in the official AIM blog has the right to represent the AIM on the Congress Election. The list of the official candidates it’s publish on the blog 3 days before the election.
The PP of every nation decide the politician who will run as CP, he can design a member of the AIM or support another party’s politician. The PP has to present his proposal to the Steering Committee 5 days before the election commenting his proposal.
- party name: AIM -ecountry-
- econbomical orientation: center
- social: free
- logo: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/8348/logoaimcaricare.jpg
- website: anti-imperialistmovement.blogspot.com/
Every member has to donate 1 gold to the movement as registration fee.
Every member elected in parlament has to donate 2 golds to the movement except for their donation to the nation
The PP of every nation is designed by the Steering Committee. The PP has the duty to coordinate the national party in respect of the Aim Manifesto. The PP has to present to the Steering Committee a wekly report with the political and social situation of the country and all the activities of the partyon that week. 3 Days before the election the PP has to present: the names of the official AIM candidates in every region in congress election. The political designed as PP (member of the AIM or external politician) has to be propose to the SC 5 days before the election. The Steering Committee has the right to change the PP decision.
See above
Only members presented in the official AIM blog has the right to represent the AIM on the Congress Election. The list of the official candidates it’s publish on the blog 3 days before the election.
The PP of every nation decide the politician who will run as CP, he can design a member of the AIM or support another party’s politician. The PP has to present his proposal to the Steering Committee 5 days before the election commenting his proposal.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Retraso en la creacion del partido
El AIM comunica que a causa de problemas tecnicos de la web de erepublik la creacion de AIM eChile esta retrasando. Ha sido creado un tiket. Esperamos conseguir resolver estos problemas lo mas antes posible.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Anti Imperialist Movement eChile
El AIM es un Movimiento popular global. Empieza oficialmente sus actividades en eChile y tiene el objectivo de desarollarse en todo Sur America, luego en America del Norte y al final en Europa. El movimiento tiene una direcion internacional y se forma de varios partidos en los paieses del mundo. En los proximos meses surgieran moviemientos nacionales bajo de la coordinación del AIM International.
eChile es el primer pais al mundo donde surgera el primer partido nacional del movimiento, se llamara AIM eChile (AIMC).
Como podeis leer en el blog oficial el movimiento tiene el objectivo de cambiar el sistema de juego mundial. Actualmente los admin estan desarrollando solo el modulo de guerra del juego, dejando completamente los modules economicos y politicos (lo mas interesantes y los que hacen de erep un juego muy original). El modulo de guerra es el unico que lleva dinero en los bolsillos asi que evidentemente es el unico que merece un desarollo. Las ultimas medallas confirman mi tesis: solo los grandes jugadores que se gastan mucho dinero para comprar el oro merecen las medallas! Lo que esta pasando en el ultimo ano es muy triste, muchos jugadores estan pirdiendo la gana de jugar yo tambien he notado muchisimas diferencias desde cuando empeze el ano pasado sobre todo en los modules economico y politico:
- El modulo economico ha practicamente desaparecido, ya no hay mas las organizaciones, ya no tiene sentido desarollar las empresas porque cada uno se puede crear sus materiales…
- El modulo politico nunca ha sido desarollado y esta completamente abandonado, los partidos son todos iguales, la unica diferencia entre un partido de derecha y uno de izquierda es una palabra (DERECHA, IZQUIERDA) practicamente no hay ninguna posibilidad de desarollar un programa politco concreto, al final el modulo politico se reduce a ganar una medalla entrando en el parlamento.
- El modulo militar no tiene ningun sentido, los admin siguen desarrollando algo que no merece la pena jugar. Actualmente un pais lucha contra otro conquista algunas regiones y luego el otro vuelve a conquistar sus regiones y asi sin fin, no me parece muy interesante...para no hablar de cuando un pais grande y fuerte (Serbia por ejemplo) conquista un pais pequeno (Suiza) y detiene sus regiones no dando la posibilidad a los ciudadanos de este pais de seguir jugando por ejemplo con el modulo politico. Aqui me pregunto: alguien que le gusten los juegos de guerra como le puede gustar un juego donde no hay ninguna estrategia, ningun equilibrio entre las fuerzas que se luchan; a mi me encanta risiko pero vamos a ver alguien a quien le gusta el Risiko juegaria contro un amigo tenendo toda asia y el oceana? No creo. No hay gloria en ganar un enemigo mucho mas debil de ti. Para ser sincero en internet hay un monton de juegos de guerra algunos muy chulo por ahora no veo ningun motivo para jugar a la guerra en erepublik.
Mis criticas son constructivas, en este periodo pensando a lo que no me gusta de este sistema he pensado a la solucion y esta solucion se llama Anti Imperialist Movement. Ahora os explico porque:
- El AIM seria el primer movimiento politico con un objectivo concreto que pueda actuar realmente una politica que influya en las elecciónes de un pais, y luego del mundo. Al final a quien le gusta la politica tendran algo real y concreto por lo que luchar!
- El AIM puede realmente cambiar el modulo militar, ahora se lucha sin un verdadero motivo, la politica del AIM es centrada sobre un mundo con dos facciónes: los paises imperialistas y los paises anti imperialistas; una faccion luchara contra la otra para algo concreto, en este caso los anti imperialistas lucharan para liberar los paises conquistados de los imperialistas.
- Se creeran ejercitos qe lucharan para la libertad y contra invasores
- El AIM sera el primer ‘partido global’ osea un movimiento mundial con muchos partidos nacionales con una coordinación unica internacional
- El AIM puede dar la posibilidad a los que juegan desde mucho y que han perdido la gana de encotnrar nuevos estímulos y algo nuevo por lo que merezca la pena seguir con erep
- El Movimiento puede crear una comunidad mundial que comparta los mismos objectivos y principios.
- EL desarollo del AIM en el mundo puede mandar un signal muy fuerte a los admin que evidentemente no escuchan las opiniones de los pequenos jugadores.
- Los pequenos paises al final tendran una esperanza contra sus invasores
- Todo el mundo al final tendra una arma contra los paises imperialistas del este europa qe actualmente son invincibles, el movimiento puede lucharlos internamente y politicamente
Bueno, mas o menos este es todo lo que en este momento me sale, pero seguro qe hay mucho mas y me encantaria hablarlo con todos los qe quieran contribuir con esta idea. Hasta ahora todo esto ha sido desarollado de mi con el ayuda del actual presidente suizo rican mi amigo y companero de luchas politicas. Por este proyecto he renunciado a otras medallas de parlamentar suizo, al cargo de vicepresidente suizo y quizas en futuro tambien de presidente, yo creo realmente en este proyecto y sobre todo creo qe erepublik necesite a este proyecto!
Pido a todos los qe sean interesados a esto y que quieran contribuir a todas las actividades del movimiento (desde el desarollo del moviemiento a las eleciones nacionales a la gestion del blog nacional y/o internacional) a escribirme un PM para crear un team de desarollo y un comité directivo chileno y si alguien quiere tambien internacional, tambien os agradeceria recibir mensajes con vuestras opiniones constructivas. Os pido PM porqe leer y hablar por comentarios en articulos no es para nada facil.
Termino anunciando las proximas etapas del AIM:
- Creacion de un team de desarollo;
- Selecion entre el team de un comité directivo nacional y internacional (en el primer periodo podrian coincidir);
- Creacion del AIM Chile;
- Partecipacion a la elecion del parlamento chileno;
En el futuro:
- Desarollo del Movimiento en Sur America con la creaciones de partidos en los varios paises del continente.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Why an Anti Imperialist Movement?
There are many reasons:
- the war module promote only big countries
- admins promote only the war module without caring about the economy and political module
- small countries many times does not have the possibility to defend themselves from big countries
- there is not a real reason to fight, people just fight for medals
- there is not glory fighting against a little country that has not the possibility to win
- there is no differences between parties, the only difference is a word (far-right, left..)
- the AIM is the only political movement with a real purpose that can really change the world
- the purpose of the AIM can develop a new kind of global game that can involve all the world (think about the possibility to create a global alliance that fight against abuses of imperialist countries, with a real sense to fight for)
- admins care only about big players that spend a lot of money
- Every country fights for an ephemeral power that they keep for a few weeks and then they lose it and start again and again in a vicious and meaningless circle
- This type of game is also boring... which is another reason to start something new and exciting. The idea to start a world movement with a very important target like world cooperation would definitely be challenging and of course will give the players a new adventure !
- the war module promote only big countries
- admins promote only the war module without caring about the economy and political module
- small countries many times does not have the possibility to defend themselves from big countries
- there is not a real reason to fight, people just fight for medals
- there is not glory fighting against a little country that has not the possibility to win
- there is no differences between parties, the only difference is a word (far-right, left..)
- the AIM is the only political movement with a real purpose that can really change the world
- the purpose of the AIM can develop a new kind of global game that can involve all the world (think about the possibility to create a global alliance that fight against abuses of imperialist countries, with a real sense to fight for)
- admins care only about big players that spend a lot of money
- Every country fights for an ephemeral power that they keep for a few weeks and then they lose it and start again and again in a vicious and meaningless circle
- This type of game is also boring... which is another reason to start something new and exciting. The idea to start a world movement with a very important target like world cooperation would definitely be challenging and of course will give the players a new adventure !
Monday, 28 November 2011
AIM Manifesto
1. The earth is one world, and its human beings must learn to cooperate with each other or perish.
2. Every people has the right to live in their own land of eBirth.
3. Every nation has the right to manage the lands within its original borders.
4. War is allowed as a last resort and only for defending the principles of peace.
1. To create the consciousness of eWorld cooperation and to foster friendship and harmony among all people.
2. To assure international justice and universal human rights by developing ways to preserve them, such as a federal eWorld council, with all the MoFA's of the eWorld, and with an eWorld peacekeeping force of individuals from all countries who would be dedicated to all of humanity and who would enforce eWorld law and the decisions of the eWorld court of justice by the most peaceful means possible.
1. To live peacefully as examples to all.
2. To promote and practice eWorld citizenship, and to work to organize an eWorld constitutional convention to plan the democratic institution of a federal eWorld council.
3. To create a common defense force at the service of the peace and by the orders of the federal eWorld council.
4. To communicate closely with all peace organizations and dedicated peace workers to facilitate the forming of a united worldwide network to bring about the establishment of eWorld harmony.
1. The earth is one world, and its human beings must learn to cooperate with each other or perish.
2. Every people has the right to live in their own land of eBirth.
3. Every nation has the right to manage the lands within its original borders.
4. War is allowed as a last resort and only for defending the principles of peace.
1. To create the consciousness of eWorld cooperation and to foster friendship and harmony among all people.
2. To assure international justice and universal human rights by developing ways to preserve them, such as a federal eWorld council, with all the MoFA's of the eWorld, and with an eWorld peacekeeping force of individuals from all countries who would be dedicated to all of humanity and who would enforce eWorld law and the decisions of the eWorld court of justice by the most peaceful means possible.
1. To live peacefully as examples to all.
2. To promote and practice eWorld citizenship, and to work to organize an eWorld constitutional convention to plan the democratic institution of a federal eWorld council.
3. To create a common defense force at the service of the peace and by the orders of the federal eWorld council.
4. To communicate closely with all peace organizations and dedicated peace workers to facilitate the forming of a united worldwide network to bring about the establishment of eWorld harmony.
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